it also seems that almost all the fundamental rights with regard to Universal Declaration of Human Rights are being provided by the current Constitution, except few things intentionally ignored.
my question is why then there is no mention of freedom of religion in this particular constitution or rather why is it being abolished?
i know you would come up with something like its a 100 percent Moslem country and so and so.
let me make it clear that i too am aware of it and the provisions regarding Islam prescribed in the Constitution.
but i still find it hard to gulp down the idea of depriving the right to choose someone's religion freely.
as far as Islam is concerned, it does not compel anyone to embrace it.
and it was tolerated by the Prophet.. then who are these ignorant intolerable people messing here and there in the name of religion???
'lakum dheenakun valiya dheen'
i personally do not mind co-existing with other residents practicing their religion and their culture.
after all, we are all humans and we are not meant to be in a solitary confinement in some CAVES located in ARABIA.
NB. for some dumb beardies who might come up and want to behead me because of this post, all i can offer them is,