i even asked around if any girls had it done.
the ultimate reply was a big NO.
oh yeah, i met a girl who said that her sister was done.
so lets c abt the topic.
some states it as 'cutting off the clitoris and sewing a vaginal opening shut'
some says it minimizes their sexual desires and helps them control them.
some says they just push a needle like thing to their private part to make them bleed.
do you have any other theory?
but i cant think of a reason why we should do this.
i mean if they are cutting or making it bleed just because it will minimize the lust,
then why cant we live with it?
some cases lust ge bai otheema much more advantageous nu:)
February 16, 2009 at 8:17 AM
err.. in Islam there is female circumcision or sunnah circumcision that is a slight cut to induce a drop or two of blood. this has no effect on sexual pleasure.
BUT in ultra conservative Muslim, tribal and some Christian societies they perform Female Genital Mutilation that is more cultural and is quite a serious issue. Its objective is to control female sexuality and ensure faithfulness in women, since they aint going to go around sleeping with other men since they cant feel anything. A lot of women die because of unhygenic mutilations and infections due to it.
February 16, 2009 at 3:33 PM
@ oh i c. so whats the benifit of such a circumcision?
February 16, 2009 at 9:04 PM
wow.!!!! what a topic.
i didnt knw that , there are these many types...!!!hehe:P
Any way i think it was a culture.but know its nt done in maldives.. i think so , i heard frm my mom before in our island also they were used to do so, bt they stopped...........thats a crap
not needed.
February 16, 2009 at 9:22 PM
anehenun kithaanu kurun dho...ey thedhetha hama. I never believed that...
Btw mike "type D" meehuna kihineh kudin libeynee??? :P
February 16, 2009 at 9:58 PM
oops.. i wonder about this when i was liltle younger.. cox i read some realated article form somewhere.... what ever... keke..
hehe.... @ edm... i wonder too..
and i never heard anything about girls cirmumcison is Islam YET...
so anyways nice one ingey
February 17, 2009 at 3:49 AM
@the shadowrunner
yep ur rite... there really is no need to do that.
what is the use of a 'slight cut' in islam, for no use, i wonder...
who knows maybe that person who do it gets paid a huge amount and he/she might get chances to molest another innocent gl.
do we need to make our wives faithful by this? they shud have their right of enjoyin sexual desires to the maximum. be it with anyone of their like.
kaley hama konme dhethere akun ves, vagina ge foto eh kuda kudhin krehiyas, hadhan vanee dharin nukunna than mathin dho
search for it and u will find which is of no use
February 17, 2009 at 4:30 AM
bikuru kedumakee khithaan krun
February 17, 2009 at 9:32 AM
I call bullshit on these half-wad "sunnahs".
It's all a worldwide conspiracy to reduce the women's populations so that we men will have to go gay.
The people who push this law had never gotten laid, so they wish to deny others the pleasure of sex.
I will exterminate them, no matter where they hide. Mark my words.
February 17, 2009 at 6:02 PM
firihen dharin khithaan kurumakee waajibeh kamashaa... adhi anhen dharin khithaan kurumakee sunnatheh kamah saabithu vey..
so no one else can deney it dhoa...
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