Freedom of Religion

it seems that the current Constitution of the Maldives is acknowledged by many States as exemplary and ideal.
it also seems that almost all the fundamental rights with regard to Universal Declaration of Human Rights are being provided by the current Constitution, except few things intentionally ignored.

my question is why then there is no mention of freedom of religion in this particular constitution or rather why is it being abolished?
i know you would come up with something like its a 100 percent Moslem country and so and so.

let me make it clear that i too am aware of it and the provisions regarding Islam prescribed in the Constitution.
but i still find it hard to gulp down the idea of depriving the right to choose someone's religion freely.
as far as Islam is concerned, it does not compel anyone to embrace it.
and it was tolerated by the Prophet.. then who are these ignorant intolerable people messing here and there in the name of religion???
'lakum dheenakun valiya dheen'

i personally do not mind co-existing with other residents practicing their religion and their culture.
after all, we are all humans and we are not meant to be in a solitary confinement in some CAVES located in ARABIA.

NB. for some dumb beardies who might come up and want to behead me because of this post, all i can offer them is,



March 28, 2009 at 8:10 PM

When they are insecure about their beliefs the only thing left to do to reassure themselves of their faith is to forcibly impose it on others, I guess they think that God is proudly watching.

Maldivians are intolerant, the first step would be to enlighten the people on freedoms and human rights. It can only be done so when the government is willing. I'd give it about 20-25 years, by which time the intolerant older generation will have been defeated by debate and acceptance of humanist values instead of atrocious values promoted in millenia old books.


March 29, 2009 at 9:45 AM

People are only interested in politics. So for political reasons, it's ok to ignore Islam's teachings and introduce compulsion of religion.


March 29, 2009 at 9:47 AM

it depends..i am also waiting for my parents to die out..

but what about all these youths..they are are as much as brainwashed. these sword-wielding street gangs are also quite defending of their mind fucked.

there is no hope for maldives...we can continue to live in a delusion and hope that one day things will turn out all right


March 29, 2009 at 10:59 AM

if you wanna go be a non-muslim, go out of the country and do it
i find it okay to live among people with same beliefs eventhough most of us are namakah muslims


March 29, 2009 at 1:50 PM

@ Mini - Meanwhile, why don't you also tell the adhaalath extremists to be extremists in some other country, eh? THEY are the people who can't mind their own business ...unlike non-muslim Maldivians who have as much right to live freely in their mother land as you.


March 29, 2009 at 2:06 PM

if freedom of religion is given, i wonder what will come next. And if given, freedom of nudism, sex outside marriage, drinking and every other thing cannot be banned any longer.In such a case think of the situation in a congested, small area.
Nowadays it is a question to ask how many follows the islam as it has to be followed. or ask how many do the least of prayers everyday and is restricted from wrong doings.. handful of people it will be. This is not only the situation of maldives.If you ask a Turkish muslim, most of them do whatever they want to do,for they know once they are muslims they will go to heaven someday. This is the belief of many of our maldivians. shame.

  Mike Abraham

March 29, 2009 at 4:09 PM

very true. cud not have said better..

btwn.. ya.. we should talk and write about it as often as possible.. lets hope these mere instances wil contribute to those 20-25years..:)

@anony. 9.45
argh.. i wud rather not talk abt these hungry politicians.:)

To strengthen their personal agenda, they wud put a clause in the constitution that any one has the right to kill his/her mother if she fails to breastfeed her son/daughter during their infancy.

and believe me it will be constitutional and none of us will do anything to nullify it except talk and talk til that has become too borin to talk abt.

cummon.. it aint that hopeless.:)
if there is a will there is a way.
its after 1 there comes 2. not before that.
so with a handful ppl we can manage to gather a crowd in one day and let the rights be established:)

'i find it okay to live among people with same beliefs eventhough most of us are namakah muslims'

see ma point? u too find it ok to live among that type ppl, right? let me tell ya.. that's exactly what m saying except for that same belief part. we are tolerant enuf to let the other residents practice their beliefs.:) then why not that particular clause? that wud not make a difference:)

yeah cano. and u kno something.. i think the particular clause regarding the citizenship should be amended..:)
wonder if u watched that forum last night regarding 'fukuree hanguraama'. no wonder why they lack the words to defend their position.. everytin was blamed on the radios, tvs and education policy. so much of a responsible bunch.. ***shit***

hm.. :) cud be.. :)
bt then, lets be frank here.
i am sure ur aware of the occurrences where sex outta marriage is being practiced unlimited.

you talk abt the inability of bannin the things u highlighted abt if this particular freedom is given? i m confused:S. can u say we can ban these things now? (r u refering to hw Mr.Dj banned DJ or wat?) now that as u say we hav no rite sayin that we can chose our religion. so does that mean u can ban the sex before marriage? and to what limit is it being banned??? can u clarify this?
drugs r not allowed in islam.. u say there are few rare cases.. handful of ppl.. bt how come there are majority of adolscents using drugs in our community? does this has any relevancy regarding the introduction or abolishing of this particular right??

'for they know once they are muslims they will go to heaven someday.'

does this mean that jst because a student @chse who belongs to 'A' Clas shall be deemed to obtain all A's despite their work..
i find it unethical.
and i don't think our religion offers heavan just like that. i mean if then why all these sermons regarding the morality and good deeds. can we go to heavan jst because we happen to be muslims and born in a muslim country? what abt the person who doesnt do an obligatory prayer or prays seldom. will he stil deserve the entrance to paradise?

oh lord help me here:)

  ding dong

March 29, 2009 at 5:32 PM

ohh anonydude.. why are you so upset about nudess.. do u really see nudes in come u jus pick the word 'nudes'....ggggrrr you corrupted mindddss


March 30, 2009 at 1:35 PM

I HATE these self-acclaimed “Priesthood of Muslims” called Adhaalath!The only reason they supported Anni(whom most of them regard as an “infidel” in secret!)was their greed to become the exclusive&ultimate authority on ALL of our nation’s religious matters.It is not just him-they think the rest of us are ignorant,stupid lambs in need of punishment&guidance that can only be issued by them.The next thing we see,they will be giving out/selling “blessings” in their unique “islamic” way.Selfish hypocrites!They will be doing their best to replace our moderate way of life with their fanaticism&extremism.


March 31, 2009 at 1:08 AM

dont hereafter u post illogical articles.


March 31, 2009 at 2:41 PM

The hypocrisy is mind boggling.

Do other religions like say, Christianity, promote Adultery?


The stupidity of these comments is only matched by the insecurity of the commenters.

They seem to be quite sure that they'll get right into a sexual orgy the moment freedom of religion is allowed.

That's equal to saying 'Keep in a kennel, for I might bite'.

  Mike Abraham

March 31, 2009 at 11:02 PM

@ding dong
.. the same goes to u.. how come u catch the word nude in her comment:P?

u got a good issue there to open for a discussion... bt i m in a hurry.. gotta 'take in' another load of theories. dont woree there shall be a perfect time.

oh ma dear pedo. (does it make me a pedo that now i call u dear???--i mean its like how u ppl interpret wat others say)
for the time being lets cut it short.. my version of a tolerable constitution does not include those pedo.s who go after young children who cannot even be consenting but can only be exploited and abused. is that wat u call fair and reasonable ground?
no. i dnt think so.

they are already 'TRYINg' something which they cannot take over. '''shit'''

should i ask u not to write illogical comments as u put it?
no, i wont. i wud lov if u put forward a good argument depending on good reasons. after all, i am the one asking for freedom..:) i for one shud tolerate irrational comments:)

true. that is a very dull issue which they are taking and something which is unethical. they think or rather want others to think that only Islam opines as to wear clothes and cover our privates.


April 1, 2009 at 1:47 AM

My saying of words does not mean there is no right to chose the religion,in fact in the world constitution in this contemporary word freedom of religion is considered as a right*. Agree adultery cannot be banned even the particular right you have mentioned is given. lso agree drug usage rate in maldives is very high. And cannot be abolished even if the particular right is not given.

Generally one religion means fraternity, oneness and brotherhood, though the belief and extent to which it is followed is different among people. If a man is not believing a religion, it means he believes he is created by himself, and if man believes he is not created by himself he must follow the religion of creator(the religion is one.. not many religion) just like he has parent, the creator of religion is one. To have peace one religion to my humble self feels logical.

Think of other religions and as well as atheism being practiced in maldives. hindhuism has caste system, sati system(burning dead bodies alive) and hindhuism the widow remarriage is restricted. A muslim cannot marry a hindhu or budhist. A muslim women cannot marry a christian and many other exceptions. In such a situation don't u think these particulars i have enlisted or more will be deemed to increase..

According to the constitution we are 100 percent muslims and" No law contrary to any tenet of Islam shall be enacted in maldives". (excuse me here i am not a political science student or a law student just my curiosity) Although heavy punishments are associated according to the government law for the apostasy, Adultery, Drugs it is not being followed properly.Has lapidation ever practiced? Ask how many are not incarcerated upon the conviction of use of drugs, many, and there are many untouched noticeably also many rescued with amercement.

My conscience believes that if this particular right is given it will be like putting oils into the burning fire. And i feel secularism cannot be practiced in a small country like us with single race and culture. perhaps for muticultural, multi-racist country it can be suitable. But the Truth is apparently an acquired taste, and one which is still too bitter for most plates. that is the secularist countries in this world are facing tons of problems than fundamentalist countries.
but always the fact is with modernization, socialization and competition the concern of human rights increase.But again the truth is if freedom of religion is not practiced, can say demolishing the right of the people. All rights in the universal human declaration which is passed in 1946 AD are already mentioned in the holly book of Quran before 1400 years ego.

'for they know once they are muslims they will go to heaven someday.'

"does this mean that jst because a student @chse who belongs to 'A' Clas shall be deemed to obtain all A's despite their work..
i find it unethical. "

mike, i mean to point out a situation which i came across. This is not my personal belief, this is the belief of people i came across. it is unethical i agree.
i mean to say once said shahaadah(islamic creed) many people believe they will go to paradise someday. It is such a shame to have such beliefs.

And to anonymous i think its my liberty as an individual to express free thoughts . After all Thoughts torment us, but they are just a storm which will eventually pass. The blue sky is always there waiting to reveal itself once again.

"You think non-moslems are some nude, shameless humans or wat?"

not wanting to be biased, i did not consider non muslims as shameless humans. Hypocrites can be shameless humans but not a true muslim.

To strighten things out, yameen i wasn't talking about any religion in particular while talking about Adultery. And stupidity cannot be a problem since i am young and well motivated to improve:).


April 1, 2009 at 11:43 AM

Dear Mike,

The age of consent has long been a contention point for many law-abiding Pedophiles around the world. And it is sad its still used a tool to discriminate and mock Pedophiles.

The fact of the matter is, age of consent law is as ridiculous as establishing a proper drinking age or a voting age its absolutely unacceptable.

Its even sadder to see educated young men such as your self are so heavily influenced by societies pre-dictated morals.

  Big Al Pedo

April 1, 2009 at 12:33 PM

Moreover age of consent isn't even universal, in countries such as Canada is only 14 and in Mexico its only 12.

If a girl or a boy of age 14 decides to engage in sexual congress with a man of 20 years of age it wouldn't be illegal in Canada.

The whole concept of age of consent is another excuse to bash Pedophiles.

Everyone should have the equal opportunity within the law to choose who they love, indiscriminate of their age. Period.


April 3, 2009 at 11:27 AM


Think of other religions and as well as atheism being practiced in maldives. hindhuism has caste system, sati system(burning dead bodies alive)..

The Ostrich's head in the sand.

A vast majority of the Hindus of the world reside in India and practices like Sati belong to another long forgotten era. There is not ONE country in the world where Sati is legal.

Sure it might exist in some rare pockets, but Hinduism itself has adapted to the times.

Reformists such as Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Dayand Saraswati have successfully run campaigns to abolish practices such as those.

All Hindus have the legal right to marry anyone of their choice.

Your pointing fingers at Hinduism shows a desperation and state of denial regarding the urgent need for reforms in Islam as it is practised today.

According to the constitution we are 100 percent muslims and" No law contrary to any tenet of Islam shall be enacted in maldives

The 100 percent Muslim thing itself is a violation of an Islamic tenet that says there's no compulsion in religion.

i feel secularism cannot be practiced in a small country like us with single race and culture.

Why not?

And we don't have the 'same culture' anymore.

We have the Maldivian culture, the western culture, and now the rather irritating Arab culture.

the secularist countries in this world are facing tons of problems than fundamentalist countries.

Which 'secular' countries in the advanced world suffers from gross state sponsored human rights violations on the scale of say, Saudi Arabia?

The Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand and esp. scandinavia are all mostly secular.. and they have all achieved development and rights that most Arab countries dare not dream of.

All rights in the universal human declaration which is passed in 1946 AD are already mentioned in the holly book of Quran before 1400 years ego.

Back up these statements with any substantial proof.

i mean to say once said shahaadah(islamic creed) many people believe they will go to paradise someday. It is such a shame to have such beliefs.

That is YOUR belief. And there maybe others who believe just the opposite.

Who is right? And who gets to choose who's right? Why should your opinion be valued any higher than theirs?

That's the best argument for pluralism.

my liberty as an individual to express free thoughts .

Yes. Unfortunately, there is a sizeable population in the Maldives as well as large part of Arabia who DO NOT have this liberty to express free thoughts.

Free thought cannot survive under the rule of dogma.

i wasn't talking about any religion in particular while talking about Adultery.

No. It was my example.

But you did seem to imply that only with being 'Islamic' can one remain modest or unadelterous.

Why don't you speak up to make the Maldives a 100% Christian nation and enforce every last one of the 10 commandments?

It'll achieve the same end. Same for Buddhism or Taoism.

Hell. Even Nazism.

The point is that we as humans can never be 100% anything.. except very varied,plural, confused humans.

That's why Humanism should take precedence over any other 'ism' and we must all live together without any dominating religion or dogma.

Especially not one imposed by a state.

  Mike Abraham

April 4, 2009 at 7:20 PM

@4ajja.. thanks dear.ur right, 'stupidity cannot be a problem' and it should not be.. we are bound to be improving:)

@pedo bro.
u stil defending ur situ. :) good luk man.:)
i really dnt have much time to scribbl... thanks..

'The 100 percent Muslim thing itself is a violation of an Islamic tenet that says there's no compulsion in religion.'

damm, ur rite. this const. is enclosed with much more absurd articles and provisions than reasonable ones when we think about it. i was overjoyed when those MPs went about this exemplary const. bt m really disappointed in them now that i knw of the issues we can rise over it.
i think they shud teach const. and admin. law @schools.
i mean thats the biggest prob we have.. no one wil know there is a problem without being aware of it..


April 5, 2009 at 10:06 PM

So yaamyn and moyameehaa thankx. Since you two are good friend of someone i admired very much, i don't want disappoint him trying to fight back over.
You have your reasons, i have my reasons. lets keep it that way.


April 6, 2009 at 10:57 AM

gee... thats wat i call co-existing:) hehe

  the cook

April 14, 2009 at 7:28 AM


"Generally one religion means fraternity, oneness and brotherhood, though the belief and extent to which it is followed is different among people. If a man is not believing a religion, it means he believes he is created by himself, and if man believes he is not created by himself he must follow the religion of creator(the religion is one.. not many religion) just like he has parent, the creator of religion is one. To have peace one religion to my humble self feels logical."

If a man is not believing perhaps he is humble enough to say "I don't know".
I don't know where you get this "creating self" nonsense, I've never met one who claims to have been created by himself, the idea is rather ludicrous (more so than being created by a magical being in the sky).


April 26, 2009 at 3:47 PM

i have read these posts and many might not agree.. that's ok..

Are you guys thinking about freedom of religion OR freedom FROM religion? My point is, if you follow any religion, you got to do follow that religion. There are no religions just for namesake. every religion obliges its followers many things. If you think you're better off with any other religion other than Islam, give it a try at your own risk. and i can guarantee you that you'll be fed up sooner than later. Btw, You might be thinking that Atheism is also a religion, i agree, its a way of life where you don't agree the other ways of life!