What Should I Update With?

what should i update with??
this question has been bugging me over and over..

should i update with the on-going legal controversy where a parliament which has no legal authority gathers to chit-chat about latest affairs?
no.. i don't think so.. there are too many people wasting their energy on that.

should i continue to despair people with the shits going on in FSL?
nope, that would be too dull to listen to.
you would be bored by the time you go through the garbage out there.

should i go about family matters which drive me crazy by the end of the day?
should i keep you informed on the ways how i am being emotionally tortured?
nope. i have no right to 'rock' your world with my shits.
like this somebody who reminded me, 'i have never been through those and i don't intend to listen to those'

fine by me.
i can live my own life.
damn well i will live it.

oh.. almost forgot.
should i talk about these mullahs who try to drill their ways into our little innocent minds?
why can't they live and let others live?
they think they are so holy and pious.
damn, you know what i think?
i think we are more holier and pious than them.
at least we can tolerate and we know how to co-exist with others.

PS. don't come up sending me death threats in the name of Islam.
i have nothing against Islam.
note that i am only against those hypos. who talk in the name of Islam and spread hatred among the real Moslems.
i am against those beardies who live double lives.
i am against those 'bodu-burugaS' who regard it as a cloak to conceal their dark deeds.



March 2, 2009 at 9:52 PM

you can write whatever you want to, coz nobody is expecting you to do anything particular
you are you, you do what you want
don't let others influence you

  Mike Abraham

March 4, 2009 at 1:05 AM

u can be guaranteed that none can influence me over ma ethics..