How My Step-Mom Died!

You might be surprised when you read the title of the post!
Have I got a step-mom? Then how come I never told you?
You might be wondering to and fro about this.

Actually I had a step mom. But she can be refered to as my late-step-mom.
I never had a chance to see her as my dad only remarried when she died.
It left him with two children from that marriage - my two step-bros.
One of them do not regard us or our family as part of him.
Another one is married to my very close aunt and we get along real fine.
There is no talk about him being step or non-step.
He is the supreme in our little family.

I guess that will be enough of an introduction.
When this bro is asked to go to an uninhabited island, he always tell he is willing to go anywhere except to the one near our island known as Wodamulaa.
He even admits that he dread to remain in the island alone.

According to him, that island is the cause of his mom's death.
He still remembers that particular day when they were in that island and she was alone in the woods while all others were staying in the beach area.
When she came out she was eating something. She was said to say that she was eating this fish with this something with this someone.

But when the name of the person was mentioned who fed her, it was well clear that person never even went to that island on that day.
And to confirm this, after some time she started to vomit and she died...

I do not want to believe in ghosts. But stories like this can not be untrue, unless you come up with a better theory..