'I Thought My Life is Settled!'

After higher secondary education, I joined Island Aviation Services as a passenger services assistant. It was the one I chose over three other job offers. It is true I got about 7+ each month. There was nothing else in my life during those days except going to airport and sleeping, getting ready for the next duty. I REALLY did not have any time for friends or family. No holidays, not even Eid or Friday if that matters. Indeed, I was very much committed to my job. I handled my customers with a playful smile and offered friendly services. They were happy. So was I.

Was I wrong in thinking that my life is settled at that point? Was I not right in imagining that my life is very well placed and paced? Was my attitude inappropriate when I chose to settle on the statement, 'I thought my life is settled'. I thought my world is full and I am living to the maximum. I mean, what the heck, I got a real one-time-job which I loved. I could hang on to it for the rest of my life.

But I turned to be wrong. My life was not settled, after all. I thought of the things I am missing only when my officemate, Ihusann attacked me emotionally and hit me with the reality. By the time he finished his theory of my life I was feeling really stupid and then only I realised what a pit I had made out of my life. Thank you Ihu.

My determination about my life and future weakened. My conviction staggered. Thus I chose to be out and grabbed the first opportunity at FSL, MCHE. And I really do not regret it. At least not yet. Now I have got a profession to work on. A dream to pursue on. A hard and challenging one.

Aargh! If only I chose something short!